350,000 people have reached out to rape crisis centers across Pennsylvania within the last decade. (Pennsylvania Coalition Against Rape)
During fiscal year 2000-2001, sexual assault centers in Pennsylvania served 36,046 individuals which included: 13,071 adult victims, 9,881 child victims, and 13,094 significant others (spouses/partners, parents, and family members). Sexual assault counselors spent 228,402 hours working with victims and their significant others. Prevention educators reached 484,959 students by providing close to 21,500 school programs throughout Pennsylvania and presented over 3,200 community programs reaching more than 68,200 individuals within their respective communities. (Pennsylvania Coalition Against Rape)
In Luzerne County, police respond to 24 family violence calls per day -- more than 8,500 domestic violence incidents each year. (Domestic Violence Service Center, Wilkes-Barre.)